
I’m wishing a gentle and joyful day to you, my fellow human beings. Today, I’d like to share with you a quote from John O’Donohue, an Irish philosopher, poet, and theologian. He wrote: “The gifts that are given to us as individuals are not for us alone, or for our own self-improvement, but they are… Continue reading Gifts

Order and Happiness

Thomas Merton wrote: “Happiness is not a matter of intensity, but of balance, order, rhythm, and harmony.” I found myself nodding internally as lovely words “balance”, “rhythm”, and “harmony” fell into my heart. And I also found myself stumbling over the word "order" and wondering whether it belongs on this list. Yes, order can be… Continue reading Order and Happiness

When Thinking is Not Enough

Voltaire wrote: "No problem can withstand the assault of sustained thinking." Not everyone will agree with this elegantly stated assertion. For great many, Voltaire steely optimism and confidence in the power of human thinking is a great shiny tool to bring with you to a new week. But some would argue that many issues cannot… Continue reading When Thinking is Not Enough

What Do You Not Lack?

An essayist Pico Iyer once said that "Affluence is not a matter of what you have but what you don't lack.” On the surface, he is just stating the obvious. And yet, there is a difference between saying “I have a home” and saying “I am not homeless”. Perhaps re-focusing on “not lacking” as opposed… Continue reading What Do You Not Lack?

The Obstacle is the Path

Good morning my friends and may your Friday be joyful. Today, I would like to share with you a strange, mysterious proverb: "The obstacle is the path." At a glance, this proverb makes little sense. An obstacle is an obstacle. How does it become a path? There seem to be many ways to interpret this… Continue reading The Obstacle is the Path